Other message transmission media

Adapt to your technical environment and guarantee compatibility with your facilities

Sometimes, attempting to address specific requirements or facilities with commercial off-the-shelf solutions is akin to pushing a square peg in a round hole. In a bid to deliver a solution that satisfies the broadest range of needs, we have bundled a fully customizable module into ALERT called the Message Processor, which is capable of addressing the most complex requirements.

Message processor

This module takes the ALERT system's acquisition and dissemination abilities to the next level by interfacing with:

  • Serial or TCP/IP links
  • Formatted text files (CSV, XML, JSON, etc.)
  • SQL databases
  • SMS or incoming emails
  • Proprietary APIs (REST, etc.)
  • Telephone calls
  • ...

A powerful script interpreter!

The Message Processor is a real-time script interpreter module.

Scripts are written in a language such as Basic and offer a wealth of tools for fetching, processing and disseminating information.

There are various ways to trigger a script:

  • Manually via an entry in the Operation menu
  • Automatically:
    • When the software starts up
    • When an event occurs:
      • An alarm is generated
      • An IP/serial frame is received
      • An email/SMS is received
      • A call voice is received

      The Message Processor also includes a powerful filter management tool that contains a simple and intuitive interface for providing operators with all the significant information extracted from a given data source. Therefore, users can configure how ALERT behaves according to the information received without needing to be development experts. 

      Scripts can either be developed by our company or your own teams (using the editor included in the Message Processor module).

      Feel free to contact us for further information.